Susan 631-428-6971
Susan 631-428-6971
Become a Certified Tuning Fork practitioner ~
Learn the Healing Power of Sound and Vibration!
This class is taught with plenty of hands on practice to develop your skills and gifts with Tuning Forks.
You will learn the different techniques of using Tuning Forks and how sound affects the human body and its auric field.
Tuning forks can restore the body's natural rhythm and energy back to balance.
By passing the Tuning Forks over the body, it is possible for the practitioner to hear/feel the discord in ones body. The vibrational sound is transmitted into the organs, freeing any constriction and stimulating energy to flow freely. The body and mind are restored and balanced, which allows the body to heal itself. Tuning forks have been used to release physical pain, emotional trauma, addiction, stress and relaxation.
This class includes:
8 piece student Harmonic tuning fork set
Activator - Hockey puck
Tuning Fork Therapy Manual
Certificate of Completion
Non refundable deposit of $100 required
Cost: $280.00